Brendan Abbott

Job title: Graduate Assistantship: Henrico County Sports & Entertainment Authority
Affiliation: Undergraduate institution: James Madison University

Brendan Abbott was born and raised in Glen Allen, Virginia. He attended James Madison University where he graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in Sport and Recreation Management with a Minor in Business, earning Dean’s list every semester. While at JMU, Brendan was a member of Theta Chi Fraternity and the Sport and Leisure Association of Madison. Brendan was selected to represent the Hart School and James Madison University during an experiential learning trip at the 2023 Men’s Final Four in Houston, Texas. In his last semester, Brendan completed a 400-hour internship with Learfield’s JMU Sports Properties. He is currently completing his graduate assistantship with the Henrico Sports & Entertainment Authority. Brendan is excited to get to know his classmates and continue learning about the sports industry. 
